We've created both a practice incentive AND an outdoor summer camp. You can purchase them separately or as a bundle. We've put together the practice incentive, MUSICIANS IN TRAINING as a prelude to the camp with the idea that you and your students will train and "practice" the events all year and then "compete" during the summer FUN-LYMPICS! event.
By training and practicing, we mean that students will work on Note Identification, Rhythm, Intervallic Recognition, Musical Terminology, Notation, Accidentals and Creativity in Playing. By working on these concepts for 10 or so months during lessons, they "qualify" for the FUN-LYMPICS competition during the summer.
The summer camp is designed to be an outdoor camp although many of the events can be done inside if necessary. BUT, if you live in an area that's too hot during the summer or if you don't have the outdoor space necessary, the practice incentive, MUSICIANS IN TRAINING can also work perfectly as a summer camp - INDOORS!
Here's a look at each one:
If your students are anything like ours, they love playing music games! This practice incentive is designed to have your students work as individuals and in teams to not only accumulate practice points, but to build their musicianship through Knowledge, Skill, Focus, Endurance and Creativity.
There are 8 sports that form the foundation for the "events" and we've included beautiful graphics for each of them. Students compete in areas such as golf, gymnastics, track and field, swimming, etc. all with a musical twist. There are 29 competitive events (translated as 29 games for your studio!), many that will take 5 minutes or less to complete and some that will be done over several weeks.
The incentive also includes a workbook that has your students practicing music notation in a fun way. Purchase of this incentive allows you to make unlimited copies! We've also included a large bundle of flashcards - grand staff cards, 5 levels of rhythm cards, interval cards, terminology cards - symbols and definition cards - accidental cards, and musical alphabet cards for use with the events and for just general use in your studio or classroom!
We want to encourage you and your students to give back so we have also provided information regarding the Special Olympics and how this incentive can benefit others!
The big event! We've put an athletic twist on our musical twist! Dizzy, anyone? This camp has students working to learn and "perfect" their abilities during the first few days of camp so that they are ready to "officially" compete on the last day of camp - a great day to invite parents and friends to come see the FUN-LYMPICS!
Each day of camp they practice all of the events - which also secretly practices their musical knowledge - trying to hone their skills as individuals and as a team. The events include relays, water games, races, and more! There are also a couple of crafts that will be used on the last day of camp at the FUN-LYMPICS! competition.
Fun-lympics follows the same eight sports as MUSICIANS IN TRAINING with 27 events. We show you how to set up everything (the events, general decor and signage) and run each event and how to set up your FUN-LYMPICS! competition on the last day. We even give you ideas for an Awards Ceremony!
So to summarize...If you purchase the bundle of both MUSICIANS IN TRAINING and FUN-LYMPICS, you will receive 56 games to use with the program and/or in your studio anytime, a practice incentive with a music notation workbook, loads of flashcard sets AND the possibility of two camps! WOW!!!!
Both MUSICIANS IN TRAINING and FUN-LYMPICS! are now available for sale by clicking on the Birds of a Feather Tab OR the Camp and Resources Tab above OR click on the links below:
Musicians in Training


Fun-lympics/Musicians in Training Bundle

And just because we want to get you as excited as we are, we're including them both in the current SALE which runs now through the end of April!
Happy competing!
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