
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Domi"notes" Notable Music Studio Style

Several of my students love to play Dominotes so I decided to make a slightly "larger" version.  The bigger the better, right?
So with the help of some foam rectangles and a good permanent marker, I made my own version...they measure about 9"x12" and will make a giant version of the game on my studio floor or even outdoors.

In hindsight, I wish I had made them 6"x12" so that each half was square - more like an actual domino.  As you can see from the picture, when you start to match up at a 90 degree angle, the bottom of the note you add is slightly larger.  I'm still happy with the result, though.  It's another way to work on note values and showing the relationship between notes. 

And what child wouldn't love to work on a game this large and this colorful?  

This game will also be a great addition to my summer camps!

UPDATE:  THIS GAME/POST HAS BECOME AMAZINGLY POPULAR.  IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE DIRECTIONS OR HOW TO LABEL THE PIECES, PLEASE PURCHASE THE ORIGINAL GAME - DOMINOTES!  It can be found HERE.  I want to protect the copyright laws and the hard work of the original creator so I will not be emailing specifics.  Thank you for your understanding!


Beth T. said...

Sheryl, this looks so nice! I might have to make up this game this summer.

Jennifer Foxx said...

Great idea Sheryl!

Sheryl said...

Thank you Beth & Jennifer! It's always nice to get feedback on ideas!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! Now I have a great way to use those foam squares I bought!

Bonnie said...

Do u have any directions? Or how to decide which rhythms to use? I love this and am trying to make it! Thanks!

Sheryl said...

Hi Bonnie,
I didn't have directions, but would be happy to share them with you. If you want to send me your email address, I'll send you a list. It's a bit long for a comment post!

Bonnie said...

that would be awesome. or

Amanda said...

Would you be willing to send me a copy of the directions and which rhythms you used as well? I would much appreciate it.

Monique said...

Hi Sheryl,

I would be very happy to receive your directions for this domino. I'm looking for some funny games to teach music to my daughters.
I thank you very much
loar.zour (@)

emc said...

Hi Sheryl,

Very much enjoying your website, such wonderful ideas! I know my students would love to try this out! Would you be willing to email the directions to me also?

Thanks so much!

Kim Gonzales said...

Would you please send me an email with how you made the pieces, and which rhythms you used? Thanks so much! Love your blog. :)

Kim Gonzales said...

Guess you need my email address! :)

Julia said...

Well, I'm going to have to leave my name as well. thanks so very much. :)

andrea said...

I too would like the list, please!

Unknown said...

Same - send me the rhythms!

sjnielsen88 (at) gmail .com

musicwms said...

Could you send me the instructions too? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hello! This is nice. Could I have the directions too please?

Anonymous said...

Could I have the directions and list of rhythms too? Thanks!

Tanya M said...

Can you please send me the list of rhythms, too? I really need to make this game for my daughter.
Thank you in advance and THANK YOU for your wonderful blog!!

Anonymous said...

Directions are definitely wanted.

Anonymous said...

Could i have directions on how to make this game also?

Anonymous said...

sorry i typed it wrong

Thanks again!

Can't wait to use them!

Lisa said...

I think my students would absolutely love this game!Would you please send me the directions?

Anonymous said...

can anyone send me these directions please

Anonymous said...

I would also like the instructions please.

Unknown said...

I would love the instructions as well. Thank you in advance!!!

Rebecca LaCount said...

So thankful I found your site. I'd love a copy of your directions and your note values. Thank you!

sarah Amrein said...

could I get the list of rhythms you used! I love this idea!
Sarah Amrein

Mama mia said...

would love the directions also.
Love your website.
Thanks Shelyn

Anonymous said...

So happy I stumbled upon your site! I would love directions for the dominotes! I think my summer camp kiddos would love this!

Thank you!

Patti said...

Please send me the directions and information to make this too. I love your blog. Thanks for taking time to do this.

Sheryl said...

Hi Patti!

I would be happy to send you the Dominotes combinations. Please just provide me with your email address and I'll get them to you!

Mama mia said...

I would love those directions.

Cindy S said...

Could you please send me the directions and list of rhythms used for this wonderful game! I always love your very creative games! Thank you so much for sharing with us!!

Cindy S said...

I forgot my email! Oops! Thanks again! Cindy S

MusicaGloria said...

Is it possible for me to get a copy too?
I was just about to set out to make my own set of dominoes.

jzuber said...

I'd love a copy of the directions and rhythms, thank you! Jillzuber @ gmail . Com

Carissa said...

I think these are great for summer camp groups! Could I have a copy of the directions too?

thanks Sheryl!

Unknown said...

Me too!

binkers said...

Could I have a copy of the directions also? Becky

Unknown said...

Can I jump on the band wagon and get a copy of the directions/rhythms please? Thank you!!! Katie

Swish said...

Please send me the directions to your Music Domi-notes. I'm so excited to find your blog! Thank you!!

Unknown said...

I would love instructions for your version of Dominotes (THANKS!!)! I'm squinting at the picture and the matches aren't making sense to


{at} just there to confuse the spambots! Thank you

April said...

I would like to make the dominotes game and the Twister Hopscotch a center will you please send me the directions for both? Thanks

Anonymous said...

could I get the directions and rhythms sent to ?

Anonymous said...

Hello! Could I have your notes list and directions, as well? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love your website. Can I also have the list and directions? Thank you!

Musica Gloria said...

Dear Sheryl,

Thank you so much for sending me the file for the Dominotes rhythms.

I downloaded a couple of your rhythms games like Shut the Box and Rhythm Bingo. I used it at a summer music camp, Camp Allegro in Wichita, KS. The kids absolutely loved them.

Thanks again so much!


Anonymous said...

Could I get the directions and rhythms for the dominotes game?

It can be sent to:


Karen said... are probably tired of sending out the directions/list of rhythms you used for this game...but I'd like them too!
Thank you so much! I love your site!

Anonymous said...

I am one of those who think that your blog is great! Thank you for sharing!
I would also a list of directions/list of rhythms! I can't wait to use this game with my kiddos! What fun we will have!!
Thanks, again!

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog via pinterest. Love! This would be a perfect game to reward my kiddos. Would love instructions as well.

Nicole said...

Wonderful idea! Would you please send the list to me also? Thank you!! drdanandnicole{at}comcast{dot}net

Jenifer Cook said...

Would love the directions for this game too!

Thank you!

Tiffany said...

Could I please have the directions and rhythms? Thanks! smilingblueskies at gmail

Jodi of Newton said...

Could I have the instructions for this as well? Maybe you have a pdf of the instructions now that so many people have asked for them!
jmcricket @

Saundra said...

THanks Sheryl for offering to send this. Great idea! Could you send me the pdf as well?

melbel said...

I would LOVE the directions as well! melbelmiller at

April Y. said...

You are so creative and thank you for sharing your ideas. I would love directions for dominotes and anything else you have or recommend to make a set (# of playing pieces, combos etc.) Thank you!

Unknown said...

Love this idea, please can you send me your directions and rhythms

The Dryden Family said...

I teach a music class to children in Haiti. This looks like something that they would really enjoy since everyone here plays Dominoes. Could you send me the directions and rhythms, too, please. Thanks!

The Dryden Family said...

Oops, forgot to put my email.

Unknown said...

Another request from
Love your blog and website

Amy said...

Could you please send me the instructions to make the dominotes game? I am so excited to use this in my class!
Thanks so much!!

Joanie said...

I would love to make these dominos. This is a great site. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

I would also love the directions and rhythms you used. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thank you for sharing your post. I found your web from Colorinmypiano website. Would you share your directions? Thank you ...

The Mr. & Mrs. said...

I hope you are still keeping up with all of your comments for this post. I would love directions on how to make a large set of dominotes! please email me

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheryl,

Would it be possible to get the directions and rhythms for this game? It is such a great idea. I love the idea of it being giant sized!


Anonymous said...

Thanks sooo much for sending the directions. Now I've made them and I'm planning to make some with simpler rhythms for my beginners. Is there a reason why you turn the note direction on each side? My eyes are beginning to go cross-eyed! Ha!

Sheryl said...

Hi Becky! Yes, there is! Just like in the original game of Dominos, some of the pieces have a double line in the middle and the same pattern on both sides. These pieces are intended to "butt up" against a piece with the same pattern or in case of the Dominotes, the same beats and change the direction of play. The next player can use either side of the domino and split off in that direction. It may make more sense if you look online for directions with pictures for the original game of Dominos. I hope that helps!

Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl

Would you mind sending me the instructions as well? This looks like a fun activity for the summer!


Janice said...

I would love these directions! I am looking to get my kids up and getting active with theory this year! Love your ideas!

Anonymous said...

I am loving your site! So many great ideas! Could i also get the list! Thanks in advance!

Erin N Wilson said...

great game! My students would love this. Would you mind sending me the list of rhythms and directions? my email is

Angela said...

Hi Sheryl,
Would you mind sending me the directions to dominotes as well?
Great ideas!

Angela said...

Sorry Sheryl,
ooops forgot to give you my email address:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheryl,
Have just discovered your wonderful website! Thanks for so many great ideas! May I also join the list of those who would like the info about these cute music dominotes?
Thanks so much,
Charley H

Anonymous said...

Hello Sheryl, I'm a violin teacher in British Columbia and am LOVING your blog and your generosity to share all your fabulous ideas! Would you send me instructions for your foam dominotes game too please?

Thanks again!

*edurne* said...


Alice said...

Have just found your amazing website. Thanks for your great ideas. Are you still giving directions for DOMINOTES? IT would be a great game to have....thanks.
(Do you get my email address from this msg?)

Japhia said...

This is splendid!!! I'd love the directions too if you're still giving them out!!! Brilliant!! My little one would love it!!

Shirley said...

Could you please send me the list of the rhythms you used. This looks great! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would also like the dominotes directions (how to make them)--it would be a big time saver. This is a great site. I am finally getting my music games stations together for fun music class days and as emergency sub plan. Katie Haywood, Sealston Elementary School

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate a copy of the directions, templates, rhythms, etc. Thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl - such a great idea. I was wondering if you would be able to send a copy of the directions (what rhythms to use). Thanks so much!

Cheryl said...

This looks so fun! Could I get the details, too, please?
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sheryl,
I was planning on using this for centers on Friday. May I please have a copy of the directions and rhythms used, please? Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

I'm making new centres for my classroom and my kids would love this! Could I please have a copy of the directions and rhythms too?
Thank you!,

Anonymous said...

That is such a good idea. Could you send me the instructions ?

Thank you
lorraine_froggy (@)

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of the instructions ànd rhythms that you used.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, you are so clever. Can I please have a copy of the notations to use with my daughter, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Could you please send me a copy of the instructions and rhythms?

Anonymous said...

What a great off-the-bench activity! Would you share the instructions with me?

Kari- said...

Thank you for all the great ideas! I am preparing for a piano party here and would love to make the Dominoes game. Can you send me the directions and rhythms please? Thank-you:)

Anonymous said...

I would love to use this in my classroom, could you share the directions?
Thank you!

Aubrey Presley said...

I would also love to have the directions! Thanks!

Aubrey Presley said...

I would also love to have the directions! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I know how to play dominos but could you please send me the directions to create this game (What rhythms you put on the cards etc)

Susan Z

Anonymous said...

I would love a list of the dominotes ideas you used as well. Thanks for the great ideas!
My email:

HappyMusicMaking said...

You are so generous to email this out to all of us happy teachers! (Happy to find such a wonderful resource!) When you get a chance, I'd love the file that lists rhythms and directions. Thank you, thank you from Columbus, Ohio!

Unknown said...

I would love a copy too. my email is
Thank you so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl,

I love your idea of blowing up the Domi-Notes!

Could I also have the directions and rhythmic combinations that you have used?
My email is

Thank you so much


Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl

Could you please send me the directions and rhythms for the domi-notes. I have just brought the foam to make them. My email address is Many thanks


Anonymous said...

Can you send me the directions? Looks super fun! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Would you be willing to send me a copy of which rhythms you used as well? I would much appreciate it
Thanks Susan Z

Unknown said...

Could you please send me a copy of the Dominotes rhythms too? My email address is I love your rhythm games!

MJFredrick said...

I would love a copy, too! My email is you!

Anonymous said...

Would love directions and rhythms

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl,
Could you pelase send me the directions and rhythms lists that you have used? My email address is
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheryl,

Could you please send me the directions and rhythms for the domi-notes game? My email address is

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheryl,

This is fantastic! Is there any way you could send me the directions and rhythms for the dominotes game? My email address is

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Me too!! Me too!!! I could probably figure it out myself but then again maybe not?! :) Thank you so much for your amazing generosity - your blog is AMAZING!!!! How some people are blessed with so much creativity and talent I'll never know...:) - thank you!!!!

catmeows said...

I would love to get your instructions for the dominotes rhythm game! I am trying to add some more games and this one looks like a real winner!

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

You and I are on the same page!! My studio is called - Notably Yours Music Studio - but I'm in Ontario Canada so not to worry!
I am about to buy the Mystery on Musical Island bundle but would love the dominotes rhythms and instructions to use with my other studio games please!!

My address is :
Thanks so much!


Unknown said...

May I please have the dominotes rhythms and instructions?
With a grateful heart,

Anonymous said...

May I have directions for making this please? Thanks!

Peggy said...

Love the idea of dominoes.
May I also have the rhythms and instructions?

Anonymous said...

It's a perfect idea. Please may I have instuctions and rhythms as well?
Thanks for your blog.
Thank you

Unknown said...

Hello, would you please send me the instructions and rhythms, too?
You have great ideas. Thanks so much!

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Just found your site and I LOVE it. Thanks so much. Would you please send me the instructions and rhythms for dominotes. I would also like a pdf of the cards and definitions you use for terminology concentration.

Karen McB said...

I just found you via PINTREST as well. Would love the instructions & rhythms for DOMINOTES. Can't wait to add them to my centers!
Thanks in advance.

Allisha said...

May I please get a list of the notes you used on each domino?
I love your site! It is very helpful!
Allisha Hughes

Prairie Scraps said...

I would love a copy of that list of rhythms you used as well! I love your site!!! Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I have 240 blank dominoes waiting :) Would you please share your rhythms and instructions?
Thanks so much,
Rachel Kelly

Anonymous said...

This looks like an AWESOME game!! I'm teaching a music camp this week and would LOVE to add this to our curriculum. Would you please email me your directions and rhythm choices please? It would be most appreciated!

Thank you!
Lori Williams

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome.
Would you please email me the directions and rhythm choices please? would appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome game idea - is there any chance you would be willing to send the list of rhythm choices? Thank you in advance!

hsing3kinder said...

Over 4 years later and we are all still wanting directions! thank you for sharing this game and add me to the list of folks who are planning to make and use this!
Please email the directions to me as well.

Anonymous said...

I would also love the directions and your list of rhythms if you don't mind. I can't wait to make this and use as a center for music class this year!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love this domino idea for my music room centers. Please send me the directions and rhythms used.

Unknown said...

I'd love to have the directions if you wouldn't mind emailing them to me. What a great idea!

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Would you be able to send me the directions? Thanks in advance.

Emily said...

Would you be able to send me the dominoes combinations as well?

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to making these. Would you be able to send me the directions and rhythms used? Thanks!

Nancy said...

Love your idea! Could you please send me the directions and the list of rhythms that you used? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love you idea! It would be great to do in my music lessons , could you send me the rhythms list and the directions as well?
Thank you so much

Unknown said...

Wow. You've received a ton of request for this over the years. Good reason too--you've got a great idea. If you're still sending out directions I'd like to join the bandwagon for my music class students. Thank you in advance!

Unknown said...

Could I also have the directions for this game? This seems like a lot of fun and I need some more games to include in my sub tub :) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Could I also have the directions and rhythms? Thanks a lot!
My address is:

Unknown said...

Needed a group class activity for today. Came across this. Went to the craft store on my break and bought foam rectangles and made the game in a pinch. It was a huge hit. Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas! You saved me a lot of time and energy, and my students benefitted from it!

Anonymous said...

If you are still sending out directions for this game, I would be so pleased to have them. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I recently scored some large wooden dominos a teacher was getting rid of. I would love to make them into rhythm dominotes. Can you please send me the directions for the game as well as your rhythm templates? --- my name is Melissa Difazzio

Anonymous said...

This looks like a super fun game. What ages did you use it for? I'd love the directions for it when you get a chance. Thanks, Andrea;

Unknown said...

This was such a great idea that I went to the store and bought foam boards and have been trying to figure out the formula. I'm not sure I have it right, would you mind sending me yours?

Thanks soo much!

Anonymous said...

This looks great would you mind sending me the direction please too,
Many Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hello! Could you please send me the directions? It looks like a great center activity. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Would you be willing to send me a copy of the directions and which rhythms you used as well? I would much appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Hi could you please send me the directions also?


Anonymous said...

Hi, please send me the directions also. Thanks a bunch. Jeran

Unknown said...

Hi! This looks super fun! Any chance you're still emailing directions and rhythm ideas? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi This game looks super fun! If you would be able to email this to me that would be great!

Anonymous said...

I like your site. I would love to have instruction for the game.

Anonymous said...

Will you send directions to the Dominotes please? I'd love to do this with my students. Thank you!!

Unknown said...

This is a great idea! I would love to get a copy of the directions as well!
Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Cute idea! Yes, I would love directions as well to Dominotes.

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea. Will you please send me the instructions and rhythms, too? Thank You,

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the rhythms and instructions as well if you still have them. Thanks so much.

Mary D. Carmosino said...

I, too, would love your rhythms and directions for the game.
Thank you, in advance.

evasara said...

I don't know if you are still doing this, but I would love the rhythms and directions. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Would you please send me your directions and list of rhythms? Thank you!

Unknown said...

Sheryl, great job!

I would love to receive these directions too. Here goes my email:

Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheryl
You are so amazing at what you do..
would you mind also sending me the directions.. not sure if you're still replying to this chain. my email add is
Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi, would you please send me your directions and list of rhythms? Thank you!

Thank you so much!!

Unknown said...

Hi I, too, would love your rhythms and directions for the game
thank you so much

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl,

I love this idea, being big and spread out on the floor.
Would you be able to send me a list of your rhythms for this game?

Thank you!


Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl!

Your blog is fabulous! And I love the idea of this game - would you be willing to email the instructions/rhythms? I know I am like the millionth person to ask - sorry for the inconvenience!

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I teach a piano class to children in Japan.
Would you please send me your directions and list of rhythms? Thank you very much.

Erin Stevens said...

Hello Sheryl,
These are amazing. I would love these directions and rhythms. I’m a music teacher at a middle school in Ohio. If you could email me, I would be grateful!
Thanks so much,

MLB said...


I love the way to incorporate the notes in this game. Could you share the rhythms and directions of the game with me please. email me at

Thank you

Marcos silva said...

Que ideia maravilhosa, Parabéns... Adoraria receber as instruções, viu? Meu e-mail é


Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

This is great. An old English game. I will make me own tooo.

There is a affordable thick card stock domino game on Cdn Amazon for a template. ;) (could be available on other sites) That's the way I'm going until I can have a better solid domino tile game.
