Tomorrow I will start another homeschool class - Recorder Karate 101. I briefly mentioned this in a previous post, but thought I would share a bit about what I will be doing. Each of the classes over a 6-week period will last an hour and a half. During the class I will pack in information about the recorder - it's history, how to take care of it, how to hold it and obviously how to play it. I will also include lots of games and activities to reinforce rhythm and notes on the staff.
As a way to give them some extra visuals, I included a brief "cut and paste" project.

Here is a look at some of the supplies I used, but to give you a list, I made the staves and blank recorder sheets on the computer and cut them to fit on these "cards". I put them together ahead of time because I wanted the focus to be on the notes and which holes on the recorder to cover, rather than worrying about the kids getting them put together correctly. I also put the letters on 1 1/2 inch square labels so they were easy to peel and stick. Add in a bit of tape and cardstock, and these are ready to put together.

The students will be allowed to choose the colors they want as I made a huge stack of all different colors. All they need to do is choose a color, glue it down on the colored cardstock they choose and then fill in the note on the staff and fill in the holes on the blank recorder inside.

This is a brief look at the one I did as an example. After I got done getting these all ready, I thought this might work for early piano/guitar students. By changing the recorder portion to a keyboard or a fretboard, we could easily make a book together of their first notes. Perhaps part of their lesson would be to add one of these as the notes are introduced to them. What do you think? I shall have to think on that one a bit!

And of course...what would a recorder class be without the "Recorder Dude"? He stands about 3 feet tall, is made of foam and has velcro under each of his fingers. As the kids learn a new note, "Recorder Dude" will demonstrate the proper way to play it. I think this cute guy needs a better name though, so I'm planning to have this class come up with something!
That's a look at what I've been working on. I'll be sure to post some pictures and some more ideas as we go through the coming weeks.
Great idea! What are the dimensions of the pieces of cardstock? I'd like to use these with my students next year when we start recorder.
great idea. I'm doing a basic music reading camp this summer and this got some 'creative juices' flowing! Thanks
Hi Kim and Valerie,
Thank you for your nice comments. The dimensions I used are:
2.5" x 3.75" for the recorders
1 7/8" x 2.5" for the staves
2.75" x 4" for the mats
I used colored cardstock and regular white paper.
I saved the files so if you would like them, I would be happy to send them to you. Just send me your email address.
I love this idea. I'm going to be teaching reacorders to 3rd graders this next year. I would love to get your files for these ideas. my email:
Sorry realized... I hadn't left e-mail address. Sort of hard to send if you don't have an e-mail:
Hi Dennis,
I am happy to send them to you! You'll have to wait a bit though because my computer has a broken piece and I currently can't charge it. As soon as it is fixed and I can retrieve the files, I'll send them to you. It should be within the next week.
This is so creative! I am a new elementary music teacher this fall and would love to use this idea. Would you be able to send the files to me as well? My e-mail is
Oh, I LOVE this idea! I'm going to return to my former school to be a music teacher after a 15-year hiatus. I'd love to know how you made Recorder Dude. He'd be a huge hit with my 3rd-4th graders in their recorder unit!
Hi Shelly,
I actually purchased the Recorder Dude from Plank Publishing. Here is the link:
Hi Sheryl! I teach K-Gr.8 Music in Canada and I do recorder with my grade 4 & 5 students, would you be able to email me the files to make this too! I just love it!
Sheryl,Great idea! This is perfect for my students learning to play the recorder. Please email me the files. Thank you.
Please send me the files. Thanks for being so creative and generous!
i teach recorders in grade 4-5, would love to have these files as well. Thanks.
Can you please send me the files? They are great!
I would love these files, too! I love the "recorder dude".
Thanks for sharing your creativity!
I would love the files for these as well. I am a home school teacher and getting ready to start with recorders. This is perfect! Thanks
Could you please send me your files too! Thank you
Would you please send me the file for the recorder charts? I LOVE THEM! You are so amazingly creative. I teach 3rd & 4th grade and this would be so helpful. My email is:
I absolutely love this idea! Would you please send me the files as well?
This is wonderful! I have a class that we'll be beginning recorders soon and I would love to have this for them. Could you please send them to me? My email is Thank you!
These look wonderful!!! Would I be able to have a copy too please? I will be learning recorder along with the kids I'm teaching, so I need all the support I can get :)
Thank you!!
I found you on pinterest and I too would love to have a copy of your files. Thanks for your creativity and generosity! My email is
I have been enjoying your website. I teach pre-K through 12th grade band and voice, and I have found so many great ideas. Thank you for sharing. I also would love to have a copy of your files for the recorder. My email is
Fantastic resources for revision and learning new. Please could you forward both recorder resources to me? Email is
Was inspired to see your idea on Pinterest and so excited that you are sharing it with other educators. Homeschooling and would love to use your resource as a tool to learning music. Thank you for sharing.
This is a wonderful idea!!! What a great way to have the students make a visual for recorder fingerings and notes. If you are still willing to share your resource I would love to get a copy. My email is Thanks!
I am teaching a homeschool class for 1st - 4th graders and I would love to do this activity if you can send me the files please? Thanks!
I am starting my first music LTO next week! Could you please, please send this to me!
Thank you,
I am taking over a music teaching position next week and would love to use these with a couple of my classes. Could you please send me these files.
Thank you in advance
I would love the files also. Thanks
Could you please send me the files to make this? Thank you!
Hello, I love these ideas! Please could you also send me the files? Thanks!
I would also LOVE a digital file please!
I would be really glad if you send me the files, too. Thanks in advance!
Do you have a Teachers Pay Teachers account? I would love a copy of these files.
I love this fingering chart idea-- students can add new fingerings as they learn!
I love this idea! Would I be able to get a copy of the files? We just started recorders in 3rd grade and this would be a great center for students who need some review!
I would love a copy of your recorder files. I started interactive notebooks this year and this would be great to add.
HI, congratulations for your work. I'm a music teacher from Brazil and I would like to have these files to work with my kids. my email is if you could send me I would be very happy.
I am just starting a homeschool recorder call and I would love your recorder files. My email is I would love it if you could send them to me.
A fantastic idea for teaching recorder and engaging my classes of boys! Could you please share your recorder files with me at
Thank you
Hi, Good Evening!
I also wanted to receive the files if I could. I loved your idea. Congratulations.
Hello, from Europe! Please, Ccn I get the files too?
Hi, I saw this great idea on recorder fingering on you blog , would you please be kind enough to send the files. Appreciate it very much . thanking you in advance.
This is a shot in the dark...could I get these files also?
Thank you very much! Great ideas here!
WOW this is a great idea! Any way I can still get the files for the recorder lesson? Thank You
Would you please email me the files please.
Hi! I would like to use this fantastic idea in my classes. How can I download? Thank in advance.
This is my email, if you can send me all of that,
HI This is amazing can you email this to me too so I can use in the class? Thanks in advance!!
Hi there
I was wondering of you can send me the files. I start in the new year with lessons and i want to use this idee.
I homeschool and am starting recorders in september. Could you send me the files? I would appreciate it!
Hello, nice to meet you, I saw your idea of learning the flute and now in times of a pandemic, I love that way of learning in the classroom, I would love to have the files, could you send them to me? I am writing to you from Mexico, hugs and thank you very much. or
Hello! Cold you send me te file, please?
Hi Sheryl, thank you for the idea, can you share me the file too? appreciate if can :)
Can you please send me the files?
Olá poderia me enviar por favor ,
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