I just completed the 6th week of our Mozart class and it included a look at the opera. We talked briefly about what's included in an opera and as you can see from this word wall

we had some interesting "new" words to add to our vocabulary. The kids did a super job learning them all and we'll be reinforcing them over the last 2 classes.
In addition, we started a bit of a study of Mozart's, "The Magic Flute. This past class, we introduced the opera by reading this version of the story behind the opera.
The pictures in this book are so colorful and vivid. With a bit of expressive reading, it completely captured the kids' attention. They LOVED it! We also made pan flutes out of straws and learned a bit about how the flute works. A very fun class.
I have lots more fun stuff planned for next week's class, so stayed tuned for some more ideas and pictures!
I really enjoy your blog! I'm wondering if you would be willing to share your new word wall words that are different than mine..... In this post I notice act, intermission, singspiel, and some others. Great ideas!
Hi Bonnie! Thank you for your comments! In fact, as you can see, I used many of your wall words and just added the ones I needed for this class. Basically, I added recitative, singspiel, pianoforte, prodigy, act intermission, leitmotif, Mozart and Austria. These were specific to our Mozart study. Thank you so much for the word walls you put together. I would love to reference your blog in an upcoming post if that's ok. I have enjoyed it as well!
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