
Monday, October 29, 2012

Bracing for Sandy

I still have electricity at this point, but don't anticipate I will for long so I thought I would post a quick blog entry.  I live right on the Connecticut coast line near Rhode Island so we are just about to receive the full force of this storm.  We've boarded up everything, planned for water needs, made sure the generator works and now we're sitting tight listening to heavy winds.  Much of our area is heavily flooded even though the "main event" hasn't arrived yet.

Please be in prayer for all of us!  I will blog again when I can, but predict that we won't have power for many days.  The Fall sale of "RoadTrip USA!" and "Meet the Composers!" is supposed to be through Wednesday, but since we will most likely be unable to adjust it, I will keep the sale going until November 9th!

Take care...I'll see you on the other side of this Super Storm!
