
Monday, April 26, 2010

Musical Sequence

I teach some teenage boys who have recently started taking lessons so the challenge is to find materials that work with that age group. I've been working on key signatures and the circle of 5ths so I put together a game to reinforce those concepts. Inspired by the game of SEQUENCE, I made a Musical Sequence game using Key Signatures and note identification in different keys as the basis for the game board.

Here's a closer look at the game board...

Here's a close up look at some of the cards...

If you are interested in having this game for your studio, you can print everything you need here. Instructions are included. The only additional item you would need would be different colored tokens that fit within one inch squares. Enjoy!


  1. Just found this. It will be a lot of fun in my group classes. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I tried to click on the link, but it leads me to Music Teacher's Helper. Please help as I would like to use this for group classes.
