Time is almost up! World Adventure! is now available in my online store, but if you would like to try to win a free copy of the PDF, just leave a comment under the original post here and let me know how you would make use of this resource should you win! The giveaway will close on Friday, 5/23/14 at 3:00 ET.
To give you ideas, here are a few suggestions for how you can make use of this exciting resource:
1. Run it as a summer camp! That's right! All the plans, details, resources are all set up for you! You tailor your camp to the number of days, hours, etc. that you want and choose the resources, games, and activities you would like to use! It's that simple!
2. Use it as a yearly program in your studio or classroom! How about celebrating World Music this fall? Everything is laid out for you! Discuss music from around the world and get your students actively involved! They'll be learning music concepts at the same time! All your group lesson plans are done for you! Just choose from over 50 games and activities all ready put together for you! Close out your studio year with a world music recital or your classroom year with a world music concert!
3. Celebrate a continent! Want something simpler? Choose a continent and "travel" through visiting country after country!
4. Use it as a resource for games and activities! Need an arsenal of games & activities available that are completely planned out for you! Are you looking for just that one thing that will help your students remember their notes on the staff or note values? With over 50 to chose from, this will be all the resource you need!
5. Use it as a way to bring value to your studio! You'll be the talk of the town if your students are talking up how much fun they're having! With all these games and activities, you'll have loads to chose from at every turn!
Of course, it's available for ALL these reasons and more! Don't miss your chance for a free copy! The giveaway closes soon!!
I will be doing some group music therapy sessions at a group home for children in the foster care system. It would be wonderful to have this as a handy tool to make their experience with music enriching and memorable.